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Michael Philp
Jun 18, 20192 min read
Resilience to stress can be found through your passions
I've been kicking around this thought for a few weeks, but it really hit home yesterday while talking to a client who was experiencing...
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Michael Philp
May 21, 20193 min read
Uninstall your social media apps to increase productivity and connectedness
Last week I was feeling very strung out. My wife, being the very observant person she is, informed me that I was spending far too much...
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Michael Philp
Apr 22, 20192 min read
The game gets played even if you don't want to participate
I've been talking to several people recently about difficulties at work. We spoke about this concept of "the game" that gets played in...
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Michael Philp
Jan 8, 20183 min read
Returning to work and anxiety
Many of us have returned to work over the last week or so after the Christmas and New Year break, with Christmas this year giving us a 4...
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Michael Philp
Jul 9, 20174 min read
5 ways to manage stress at work
Stress at work is one of the more common reasons for presenting to a psychologist. If you think about it, we spend about a third of our...
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