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Michael Philp
Jul 23, 20192 min read
I tell you the same thing everyday!
Have you heard yourself saying that phrase to your child? You are not alone. It is also a common complaint I hear in my practice from...
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Michael Philp
Nov 20, 20184 min read
If it sounds complicated to you, it's probably too complicated for your child
I get the privilege of talking to parents about their children and how they manage their child's behaviour at home and reinforce good...
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Michael Philp
Jan 8, 20174 min read
Praise versus Descriptive Praise for Children
You may have seen the viral video from Simon Sinek discussing the "millennial question", and what has been bluntly described as 'what is...
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Michael Philp
Nov 29, 20164 min read
Here's a great picture of my then two year old daughter, having a tantrum while we tried to take a family photo on the famous Spanish...
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Michael Philp
Oct 31, 20163 min read
Setting healthy bed-time habits
Today's fast paced society is very different from the one that most parents of young children experienced themselves as a child growing...
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